
The Power of Example

Do people watch you?  Do they see your example?  What does it say about you, and how powerful is it?

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Prophetic Times What Should You Do?

We live in some amazing times.  Knowledge is increasing, but so are the effects of the four horsemen, and other tragic events. How can you be ready?

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1 Corinthians 13 The Love Chapter Part 2

After llisting spiritual gifts in Chapter 12, the book continues with those gifts and discusses the best gifts.  What are they?  If we dont have it, the others mean very little!

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1 Corinthians 12 Spiritual Gifts Part 1

1 Corinthians 12 lays out a number of Spiritual gifts and offices within the Church. These gifts are different than the gift "of" the Holy Spirit. Do you know what your gifts are?

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Of Power Of Love and Of a Sound Mind

What are three very disticnt qualities God gives us through His Holy Spirit. Do we know what they are and what they mean to us?

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What is Longsuffering?   How is is displayed, and is God Longsuffering toward us?

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Learning to Come to Yourself

Sometimes in life we can think we have the knowledge and direction we need. The way we are going "seems right". At other times when we learn some valuable lessons, we may learn to come to ourselves.

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Of What or Whom are You Convicted?

What were you convicted by?  Are you still in a state of committment to Truth?  Do you follow a man, a teaching, or the written word of God? Of Whom or What are you convicted?

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Is God’s Law Written In Your Heart

What is your motivator?  Are you truly convicted of what you believe?  Is the Law of God written in your heart and mind?

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By Their Fruits

A tree produces fruit, and we know wht kind it is.  Plants produce fruits and berries, and we can tell what kind of plant it is.  But what about human beings?  Can we know them by their fruit?

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