
Of What or Whom are You Convicted?

What were you convicted by?  Are you still in a state of committment to Truth?  Do you follow a man, a teaching, or the written word of God? Of Whom or What are you convicted?

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Is God’s Law Written In Your Heart

What is your motivator?  Are you truly convicted of what you believe?  Is the Law of God written in your heart and mind?

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By Their Fruits

A tree produces fruit, and we know wht kind it is.  Plants produce fruits and berries, and we can tell what kind of plant it is.  But what about human beings?  Can we know them by their fruit?

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Are You Ruling Over Sin

Sin has been forgiven, Sin has been "put out" ... but are you "ruling over" sin?

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A Purchased Possession

What does it mean to be bought with a price?  What did circumcission mean in the Old Testament,,,and the New Testament?  Are you truly a purchased ossession?

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Why do we deleaven, and what are we to learn form this physical proces every year?

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The Consequences of Sin

Sin carries a harsh penalty - Death. But it also has other consequences we sometimes have to deal with.

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Preparing for Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread

The Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread take time to prepare for. Are we truly focussing on the meaning of these days?

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Works of the Flesh Part Two

What are the works of the Flesh? The works of the human mind and what comes natural to mankind. Part Two

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Works of the Flesh Part Two

What are the works of the Flesh? The works of the human mind and what comes natural to mankind. Part Two

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